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The School of Energy and Power Engineering held the theme preliminary contest of "Celebrating the Centennial of the Founding of the Party and praising the Youth" and the third "May Flowers" singing contest
2021-04-25 18:36 Department of Health Services 

China Synchro Kangzhuang RoadPeople extol the virtues of the party。To commemorate the founding of the Communist Party of ChinaOn the 100th anniversary, guide the young students to deeply understand the connotation of patriotism and the spirit of the Chinese nation, encourage the young students to continue to contribute their own strength to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the nation, and express their deep feelings and firm faith in the Party.March 31 at 11 am:50It was organized by the Quality Development Department of the Student Growth Service Center of the School of Energy and Power EngineeringThe theme of the singing contest "Celebrating the centennial of the Founding of the Party, praising the youth" was held in the second teaching building。Energy and Power Engineering freshman and some of the other grades, total21A team participated in the event。

Before the competition, the participating teams trained hard, fully prepared and eager to try, during the competition, the students eulogized the revolutionary martyrs, praised the development of the motherland, and carried forward the spirit of The Times。After a fierce battle,核电Class 201, nuclear power 202, thermal power 20310One class goes to the finals. New Energy201、建环2035One class won the excellence award。The atmosphere of the activity was high, the order of the scene was maintained well, the students were full of spirit, and they were praised by the teacher。

This activity弘扬"May Fourth" patriotic, democratic, scientific spirit, createGood cultural atmosphere,With their sincere and loud songs, the students sang their passion and admiration, sang their responsibility and responsibility, and sang their sincere wishes for the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China, fully demonstrating the style of the students of the School of Energy and Power Engineering and expressing their love for the motherland。

School of Energy and Power Engineering Department of Health Services

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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